Export Kali VM from VirtualBox to VMPlayer

2 min readOct 1, 2020


Select the machine to export.

Click File -> Export Appliance

Click Next

Click Export

Depending on the size of your VM may take a while

Open VM Player.

Click on Open a Virtual Machine

Select the .ova file to import

Click import .

Once the machine is imported Power on the VM .

You need to remove the VituboxGuest Additions the install VMWare tools

Log in to the machine

Open a terminal as root and enter following

apt-get remove virtualbox-guest-additions

Or if you install manual , mount the Guest Additions

cd /media/cdromsudo sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run uninstall

Note : In Kali Drag and Drop/ Copy and Paste between Host and Guest does not work out of the box, to fix this on a open terminal as root and type the flowing in

systemctl enable run-vmblock\\x2dfuse.mountsystemctl start run-vmblock\\x2dfuse.mountstatus -l run-vmblock\\x2dfuse.mountsystemctl status -l run-vmblock\\x2dfuse.mount



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