A while back I switched from using Virtual box to Virtual machine manger(virt-manager) which used to manger KVM virtual machines , it was recommend by my cousin . While KVM is classed as a type 2 hypervisor it acts like acts like a type1 hypervisor , so when I started studding for the CompTIA cyber security analyst I deiced to set myself a challenge and create the virtual lab environment using virt-manager.
My host Operating System is Ubuntu , so to install it I did a simple :
To launch , just type virt-manager, if your looking for the icon then look for something like this:
To create anew VM click File- New Virtual Machine :
You will get the window below , click Forward :
Next you will be presented with the widows below , Click on Browse Local , select the location of you ISO :
In the next window you will set the amount of memory and the the number of virtual CPUS.
The next step to create the virtual had disk , it is in the qcow2 format.
The last step is a review of the Virtual machine , here you can chose your network options , and if you want to , customize the configuration, such as the chipset and the BIOS before installing . If you are happy with the configuration just click Finish and it will install.
If you chose to customize the configuration the window below will appear :
To install click Begin Installation in top left :